Monday, May 16, 2011

Free People Search Engines and Her Craft

I have a lot of pending projects when it comes to my Digiscrapping. Special events and milestones were all captured in my camera yet the pictures are yet to be touched and scrapped. That reminded me of a particular story I read from one of my fellow Digiscrapper.

She was living in the United States and grew up with her grandparents. Known to all, these people just adopted her when she was still a baby. With their biological children living far from them together with their own family, her arrival brought new joy for the couple.

She lived with them and as a growing child she knew how much she was loved and cared for by these people. Cherished memories were captured in photos and those were neatly stored in frames. However, because of their age, they were not able to enjoy the latest technology such as chatting with their children from other country and seeing their pictures posted in different social networking sites and even to some of free people search engines.

I adored her creations which she posted on her sites. She said she made it for her adopted grandparents and truly made them cry for joy. Wonder what it is? Of course, it is a Digiscrapped photos lol!

But what made it distinct and special for the couple was because it was composed of their family, their biological children with their own children, nieces and nephews. They never saw those kids since birth but through those free people search engines, she managed to contact them and asked them to send pictures of their growing years. The couple said her creation seemed to take them back in time and made them part of those long lost years in their family’s life.

I promised myself though that after my long procrastination mode, I will also try these free people search engines in finding relatives we have lost contact with. With today’s technology, it is almost impossible to know a person who does not have a name in any free people search engines. Starting from any age (though basically they should start with legal age), to any gender and to any walks of life, people can now be easily searched in the Internet.

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